Dr. Mark Sirninger treats numerous conditions related to the biomechanics of the spine and/or extremities. All patients have a medical history review and receive a physical examination which includes specific orthopedic, neurological and chiropractic tests to properly diagnose their condition. When necessary, x-rays or an MRI may be utilized to further asses their condition.
It is important to understand that structure affects function. Biomechanical misalignments in the spine or extremities commonly result in pain or dysfunction. Medication can be used to reduce the symptoms however it does not correct the cause of the problem. Specific chiropractic adjustments to correct misalignments, also called subluxations, helps correct the cause of the problem and results in the reduction or resolution of symptoms.
To see a list of services we provide in our clinic please click here.
Neck, Mid Back and Lower Back Pain
Chiropractic care is most closely associated with the treatment of pain, discomfort, and loss of mobility-related to spinal misalignment. These misalignments can compress the spinal nerves exiting the spinal cord. Compression of a nerve(s) can lead to pain, numbness or stiffness. By restoring proper alignment and mobility through a chiropractic adjustment, pain, numbness and/or inflammation can be quickly reduced and your life can return to normal.
Headaches have a variety of causes such as diet, hormonal changes, stress, allergies and cervical (neck) spine misalignments. A recent study conducted at Duke University Medical Center revealed that a great majority of headaches are primarily cervicogenic; that is, they are cause by improper misalignment of the cervical spine. This also demonstrates that other causes of headaches as listed above have a greater chance of causing problems. Spinal manipulation, performed by a chiropractor, has been shown to be more effective than other treatments such as medication and physical therapy. Why? Medication and physical therapy may help with the pain temporarily, but they do not address the cause of cervicogenic headaches.
Spinal Disc Problems (herniated/bulging discs)
Spinal discs, the cartilage located between each vertebra, are a vital part of a properly functioning spine. Discs act as shock absorbers, allow proper movement of the individual vertebrae and create the spacing necessary for the spinal nerves to exit from the spinal cord. Since weight-bearing cartilage has very little blood supply, movement is required to supply the disc its nutrients and allow for waste products to exit. This process allows the discs to repair themselves and maintain their shape. If a disc begins to degenerate, it will lose its proper shape, commonly referred to as a disc bulge. Further breakdown of the disc may result in a herniated disc, where the jelly-like contents of the disc rupture and may even leak out. Dr. Sirninger has specialized equipment and training in treating these types of problems.
Lower back pain and sciatica are NOT the same things. Sciatica is an irritation or pinching of the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the body and portions of it travel from the low back all the way down to the foot. Pinching of this nerve may cause electric shock-like pain in the leg, as well as weakness and/or numbness along the path of the nerve. Sciatica can be caused either by a lumbar (low back) spinal misalignment, muscle spasm in the hip region or by a herniated or bulging disc. Chiropractic treatment for sciatica can differ greatly from other chiropractic treatment of lower back pain.
Lower Back Pain in Pregnancy
During the third trimester of pregnancy, rapid weight gain and hormonal influences on ligaments of the body may create instability in the lower back (lumbar spine) which can cause compression upon the lumbar nerves. Women who have had little or no previous back pain may find themselves dealing with constant lower back pain and/or sciatica. Because expecting mothers are advised not to take any pain medication, gentle chiropractic care is a safe and highly effective solution to their problem. Our clinic utilizes a specific therapy method which slowly and gently reduces the compression of these nerves and decreases pain.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, or CTS, is a commonly misunderstood problem that causes severe pain in the hand or wrist. The pain can be so severe that it can wake a person up during sleep. CTS is caused by an inflammation or pinching of the median nerve. This nerve branches off the spinal cord in the neck region and travels down the front of the arm to the wrist and hand. Medical physicians often instruct their patients to wear wrist braces or far too often recommend surgery to cut the connective tissues in the wrist that surround the median nerve. Often overlooked and undiagnosed in these cases is a syndrome called Double Crush. This is when the median nerve is irritated in the wrist AND the neck. Surgery often is not successful because the origin of the problem; the neck; is not addressed. In addition, the bones that make up the carpal tunnel arch tend to drop from musculature imbalances in the forearm which can compress the median nerve. Chiropractic adjustments to the wrist to help restore the carpal tunnel arch can help significantly reduce or end wrist and/or hand pain.
Foot and Ankle Pain
The foot is comprised of 26 individual bones. If only one of these bones is misaligned, pain and discomfort can result. The foot also contains ligaments and muscular attachments which are directly affected by these misalignments. Slip and falls, athletics, traumas, sprain/strains to the foot, can lead to misalignments in the foot. Proper adjustments to correct alignment issues in the foot is can decrease pain. It is important to ensure proper biomechanics of the foot because misalignments can alter your walking (gait) pattern which in turn can cause lower back pain and hip pain.
Shoulder Pain
The shoulder joint is naturally an unstable joint in the body as it is a very shallow joint and the clavicle is the only bone which keeps the arm away from the body. The shoulder has a tendency to drop downward and rotate internally which typically results in pain, and a restricted range of motion and places undue stress upon the soft tissue elements surrounding the joint. This can result in tendonitis or bursitis of the shoulder and muscular weakness of that area. Realigning of the shoulder joint can restore an appropriate range of motion and decrease pain in the shoulder.
Chronic Knee Pain
The knee is the most commonly injured area involving athletics with estimates as high as 48%. There are various causes to knee pain, such as meniscus injuries, sprain/strains, arthritis, patellar tracking disorders and rotations of the fibula to name a few. Specific adjustments to the knee and/or fibula can provide relief resulting from arthritis, patellar tracking disorders and misalignments of the fibula.
Elbow Pain
The elbow is a complex joint which involves three different bones, the humerus, ulna, and radius. Rotational misalignment of the radial head can create discomfort and eventually produce numbness in the forearm and hand. Appropriate adjustments and rehabilitative exercises can decrease symptoms.
Hip Pain
In certain cases, lumbar (lower back) subluxations can lead to hip pain. A decrease in the joint space in the hip joint tends to cause pain and discomfort. A decrease in range of motion and an altered walking pattern is commonly displayed as well. Specific hip adjustments used to increase the joint space can release the pressure upon the joint and reduce pain.